7 HUGE Co-living no-nos!
Are you new to co-living? Been having bad experiences and horror stories living under one roof with others? Well, this one is for you.
There are many things that are generally accepted in a shared house. Playing music in the living room, cooking up a riot in the shared kitchen, having a couple of friends over for a game of monopoly; the list goes on and on.
But there are a few things you shouldn’t do. A few things you must not do. A few things you should NEVER EVEN CONSIDER doing. This guide will help you enjoy your co-living experience without housemates waiting to kill you.
I present to you, our list of major co-living no-nos! (don’t be that bad housemate)

Don’t you go in that room!
First on this list of all-things-you-musn’t-do, is a huge deal! Don’t ever go into your housemate’s room or work space without their permission. Personal space is a big deal when living with others.
Your neighbour’s room represents a safe space, a place where they keep their belongings and where they house items of value. No matter how good or pure your intentions might be, don’t go into someone’s room unsupervised!
This is definitely an easy way to lose someone’s trust and place a big target on your back. Relationships are built on trust and once broken, it’s an uphill climb to mend.
Interested in a fully furnished gorgeous piece of co-living real estate? Click here!
Keep your music down!

If you’re a night owl who dabbles in the occasional artistic adventures of covering pop-music or if you can’t sleep at night and love karaoke, then this next one is for you.
Turn it down! Stop those late-night singing sessions and cease the loud noise. Most people work business hours and do not appreciate being kept up by your horrible singing. You might not be aware of it but interrupted sleep can kick off a lousy week.
Be respectful of the shared living space and realise that there are other people there too. If you really need to sing, try using headphones but be sure to keep your voice down. Or, you could just stick to singing in the shower.
Smelly shoes – outside the house!

You might not be used to it yet but in Singapore, people generally remove their shoes upon reaching home. This predominantly Asian trait has trickled down to become a co-living practice.
So when you remove your shoes before stepping through the door, take a quick whiff. If it reminds you of rotting whale flesh, then do everyone a favour and leave those nasty shoes outside the house.
Your chosen co-living home might have a nice little shoe rack or a small cabinet to place everyone’s shoes in. Please avoid putting your shoes in there! There is nothing like the smell of stinky shoes and there is nothing about it that others want to be a part of.
Some shared residences are also fully air-conditioned so you can be sure that rancid stench is going to fill up the whole house in no time.
Leave it out in the sun, where there is good and healthy ventilation. Better yet, give it a long overdue wash!
Thank you, next…

Unlike Ariana Grande, there’s no appreciating this next no-no. To all the co-living guys and gals out there; don’t hit on your new roommate. I get it, we’re all here to socialize and get to know each other but let’s try to not cross the line.
You might be smooth and cool – or maybe you just think you are – but a sour pick up line could lead to a whole lot of awkward and major passive-aggressiveness under that shared roof. Remember, that person you tried to ‘pick up’ has to live with you for their whole stay. Don’t make them uneasy in their own home.
Sometimes it goes well and you guys hit it off but most of the time it doesn’t, so don’t take the risk. It’s not only going to be awkward for the two of you but the whole group will feel it as well. Don’t ruin what could have been a great friendship with a horrible first impression.
You never help out!

It’s time to talk about those lazy folks. When you’ve opted to share a common space, a house and all the fun, do remember that you have to share a role in the chores of your shared home too.
There’s always that one housemate that pulls a Houdini whenever it’s time to clean up. Don’t let it be you!
After Pizza Night or Taco Tuesday, stick around and lend a hand in cleaning up the place. You enjoyed the food and had a few good laughs so it’s only right that you pitch in and clean up together.
Not many people like to clean but look at it this way; cleaning together is an activity in itself. Use the time spent together wiping tabletops and washing dishes to get to know your new friends better. Remember; A co-living family that eats together, cleans together (I made that up but it sounds pretty legit).
If you need a co-living space within a private home, check out this unit! Our housekeeping service conducts weekly cleaning, check with our community managers.
Could you at least flush?!

This should go without saying. Whenever you use the toilet, please clean it up. Usually, it starts off all fine and dandy. During the first few months of co-living, everyone respects each others space and everyone generally cleans up after themselves.
But as time goes by and people start getting comfortable living with others, they get a bit TOO comfortable. Stained toilet seats, wet floors, dirty mirrors, soap splatter; it becomes a warzone!
If you would rather have a private ensuite bathroom, make sure to check with your co-living provider. Services like MetroResidences don’t force you to a shared bathroom with your co-living mates. Enjoy shared spaces with peace of mind and enjoy only the good things.
Joey doesn’t share food!

“Oooo that’s a nice looking sandwich in the fridge. I’m sure no one would miss it.”
STOP! Don’t do it! This is one way to quickly lose friends.
As a general rule of thumb, do not take what isn’t yours. Be it a small pencil on the desk or a 6-inch meatball sub; just don’t. New friends can turn ugly strangers real quick once they label you a thief.
And food is one thing that people easily get possessive over. If you are really hungry, why not ask your housemate if they would mind sharing a piece of their sandwich with you. Even if they say no, at least they know enough to trust you not to steal when no one is looking!